Matched Candidates
Tap into an extensive candidate database to receive a list of people to consider for your open position. Our Matched Candidate solution delivers candidates to you, rated as Great Match, Good Match and Possible Match.
Matched Candidates is an excellent complement to your proactive campaign via MaxRecruit and/or niche network postings.
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DownloadMatched Candidates from the Dothan Eagle gives you access to a wide range of candidates whose experience and skillset are a good fit with your job requirements. We draw from resume databases of approximately 115 million passive candidates from recruiting powerhouses Nexxt and Resume-Library. Additionally, Matched Candidates will include passive candidate profiles obtained from publicly available information from the Internet. We rate candidates as a Great Match, Good Match or Possible Match. You’re able to view the candidate's information, and reach out to them directly, if you are interested.
Your Matched Candidates will be loaded in the Talent Pool for your open position on our Applicant Tracking System (ATS). You’ll be able to view and manage candidates there. Matched candidates will not expire on the ATS, so if you need to hire for the same qualifications in future, you’ll have access to a ready made set of candidates.
- Great for reaching passive candidates who might not respond to your job board posting.
- Works well for hard-to-fill roles, or roles where you need a specialized skill set.
- Builds suitable candidates in your Talent Pool, for use now and in the future.
- Available in two levels:
- Matched Candidates: 25 candidates, rated by our system as Great Matches (Note: in the event we cannot identify 25 Great Matches, we will supplement with Good Matches).
- Matched Candidates Platinum: approximately 100 candidates, rated by our system as Great or Good Matches.
- If you start with regular Matched Candidates, but want to access more, you can upgrade to Platinum.
- Delivers candidates to you from a pool of around 115+ million possible matches.
- Each match is rated as Great, Good or Possible.
- You can view the Matched Candidates in a Talent Pool on our ATS.
Contact Dothan Eagle Ad Sales 334-702-6060